Vilgain Seed mix caramelized

53 Ratings

Peck! It's hard not to eat it right away.

Luxury ❤️

Great in a salad :)

I'll try a different flavor next time, the vinegar and salt get too much very quickly. At first taste wow, but gradually the vinegar acidity started to bother me.

Neither salty nor sweet, just perfectly balanced!:)

Super combination of sweet and salty

Nice crunches :-)

Super flavor, nothing to complain about! Honey and chilli is an interesting combination!

This is such a great thing! I didn't expect anything from it and I got everything and then some. All 3 flavors great, but the top is the vinegar & salt, a nicely balanced sweet and sour and salty flavor. The absolute ceiling for scrambled creamy eggs!

This looks so ordinary and innocent, but it's absolutely perfect. Beautiful crunch, the subtle taste of honey combined with chilli is the bomb.