Sports Equipment

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Sports aids

Sports equipment are sports accessories that can not only make your home training more effective, but also help you prevent injuries. You can choose:

  • jump ropes are the definition of the saying "for little money. a lot of music". Jumping rope regularly brings with it a number of benefits, including improved endurance, coordination or breathing. It can also strengthen the cardiovascular system or contribute to fat burning.
  • resistance bands can be used in a supportive (reducing the load) or resistive (increasing the load) way, which makes them useful when trying to strengthen or strengthen a specific part of the body, as well as for rehabilitation.
  • gymnastic balls and overballs are suitable for rehabilitation, balance and strengthening exercises. By simply sitting on the ball, it is possible to prevent back pain or poor posture. The balls also have a similar effect balance mats.
  • weight training straps are a simple yet effective way to strengthen the whole body with your own weight and are suitable for later in life. TRX straps can be used outdoors, in the gym or at home.
  • weight training wheels Also known as ab wheels take any abdominal workout to the next level. The muscles of the upper limbs are also strengthened during the rolling process.

In the section other sports equipment you can choose for example push‑up handles, yoga blocks, expanders, finger boosters or callipers.