- Almonds (6)
- Apple (5)
- Banana (4)
- Blueberry (2)
- Brownie (1)
- Caramel (7)
- Cashew (4)
- Cheese (1)
- Chocolate (19)
- Cinnamon (9)
- Cocoa (1)
- Coconut (11)
- Coffee (1)
- Cookie (1)
- Cranberry (4)
- Gingerbread (1)
- Hazelnuts (4)
- Honey (4)
- Lemon (1)
- Mango (2)
- Maple syrup (1)
- Meat (1)
- Milk (1)
- Peanut butter (4)
- Peanuts (1)
- Pear (1)
- Pecans (1)
- Pistachio (5)
- Raspberry (3)
- Salted caramel (2)
- Sour cherry (3)
- Strawberry (8)
- Tropical fruit (1)
- Vanilla (6)
- White chocolate (6)

Healthier Breakfast Cereals
Cereals are increasingly seen as a breakfast staple. They are easy to prepare, packed with nutrients, and, if prepared thoughtfully, can be delicious (just add nuts, nut butter, fruit, or your favourite protein powder). This is why their popularity continues to grow.
However, with the vast variety of breakfast cereals available, it’s often hard to distinguish those that are truly full of promised complex carbohydrates, micronutrients, and fiber from those that fall into the category of ultra‑processed foods loaded with sugar and unnecessary additives. If you’re looking for healthier cereals, you can choose from:
- Flakes are a basic ingredient for making breakfast porridge. They are also great in baked goods, muffins, pancakes, cookies, or smoothies. In addition to the evergreen oats, you can also pick from spelt, buckwheat, millet, rice, or corn flakes.
- Muesli is a mix of flakes with nuts, seeds, dried fruit, or chocolate. It tastes best with milk, plain yogurt, or quark. For an even better taste, soak it overnight in your favorite dairy product and just garnish in the morning.
- Granola is a more calorie‑dense version of muesli, thanks to added fats (such as maple or coconut syrup). The baking process gives it a golden colour and large crunchy chunks.
- Instant porridge is ready to eat as soon as you pour hot water over it. Definitely try our 1 Minute porridges with 100% pure ingredients.
- Crunchy flakes add extra crunch to breakfast porridge. They also stand out on their own when paired with milk or yogurt. In the kitchen, they can even serve as a breadcrumb substitute for coating food.
Cereals easily fit into any diet, whether you’re bulking or cutting. To meet all your needs, you can choose from gluten‑free, high‑protein, or low‑sugar options.