
Products: 1
Vilgain Intra Workout
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Vilgain Intra Workout ⁠–⁠ refreshing hydrating drink during training, enhances performance and promotes recovery
Peach and orange 50 g

What is intra‑workout?

Intra‑workout refers to complex dietary supplements designed to support athletic performance, post‑workout recovery, replenish essential macronutrients, as well as improve hydration. Intra‑workouts should be consumed during training or demanding sports activities. The following are most commonly found in quality preparations:

  • simple carbohydrates, which serve as a source of energy for muscle cells, thus saving muscle glycogen stores. The sugars in supplements should come from multiple sources (e.g. glucose, sucrose or fructose) to ensure more efficient absorption;
  • essential amino acids (or complex proteins) provide protection against catabolism and better recovery compared to amino acid intake after training;
  • minerals in ionic form, which are lost in the form of sweat during training. Among the most important are the ions of sodium, potassium or magnesium;
  • caffeine helps to delay perceived fatigue and improves concentration.

As with pre‑workouts, the caffeine content of intra‑workouts should be taken into account, especially when training late in the day, which could lead to poorer sleep quality.

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