answered questions
Good day 🌸 Will the Cashew Caramel flavour still be available please? 🙏
Hi, when are the chocolate hazelnuts coming back?
Hi, are you planning a gingerbread flavor? :)
Hi, is there currently any plan to expand the Sweet Nuts range with another 1000g version? Or are there no plans to add those two for the time being? Thank you for your reply. :)
Hello, will the pecan pie with maple syrup still be available? Thank you.
Hello, will the "peanuts and cocoa" flavour still be available in the Sweet Nuts range? It's my all time favourite and I was quite alarmed when I bought it today that it doesn't even come with a "watch" label.....Thank you.
Hi, has the "peanuts and cocoa" flavour been dropped?
Hello, will the banana bread flavour still be available? Thank you
Coconut cashew vanilla butter contains cashew pieces please? Thank you
Hello, will Cashew & salted macadamia butter (from R3ptile) ever be available again? It was luxurious!! Top consistency like a vanilla roll and bottom consistency like a salko ❤️ Thank you in advance 🙏