Myprotein Clear Vegan Protein
answered questions
Hello, will larger packs still be available?
Thank you
Hello, can a 7 year old child take it as a supplement?
Hello, there is nothing in the product that would harm the child in any way - rather, this supplementation does not make much sense. Children's diets should be varied and the child should learn which nutrients are found in which foods, ideally not using supplements in large quantities. If there is a problem with adequate intake of good quality protein, then of course it can be included, but we would recommend whey protein rather than this product, which contains vegetable and incomplete protein, where the protein is actually good quality. If you insist on a vegan protein, choose one that combines multiple protein sources to complement each other's limiting amino acids so that the protein is better utilized. Have a nice day
Thank you, the child is allergic to cow protein and eggs. His protein intake is quite limited. Can you please recommend a more suitable product? Thank you.
Hi, products with a combination of plant protein sources are for example:,,, or The choice is yours :). Have a nice day.
Hi, I would like to ask if I can take this protein only once a day or more times (twice)?
Thanks. :)