Myprotein Tribulus Pro
answered questions
Hello, can women use this product? (mainly for trying to increase libido)
Hello, I am 20 years old and I run long distance internationally. I train 2x a day most of the time and long 30km runs are no exception. In highly aerobic training men testosterone levels drop, do you think I should try this product?
Hi, I wanted to ask you about the dosage. Since I have 100kg I should take up to 1500mg which is 5 tablets. My question is how to distribute it throughout the day and also how to dose on non-training days.
Thank you :)
Hello, the protodioscin content is not listed do I find out? Thank you
Hello,I am 49 years old would this product be suitable for me. I hardly force myself to exercise and to run. Or can you recommend something else?
Hello Honza, tribulus has a justification at this age to increase libido and slightly and overall vitality but the functionality is quite individual, for some it does not work at all and on the contrary others can not praise it, I would recommend trying a smaller package and after about 10 days you will see the first effects. However, if you are primarily after a mental stimulus, good old caffeine is the best choice, e.g.:, or a complex pre-workout blend that contains a broader spectrum of stimulants and nutrients to increase the quality and effectiveness of your workout, I would personally recommend: Have a nice day.
Hello, I have one more question. I would like to ask if Myprotein Tribulus Pro is suitable for me? I'm a guy, I'm 18 years old, I go to the gym regularly (min 3 times a week and max 5 times a week), healthy diet as ever. Thank you for any answer.
Hello Michal, tribulus would not be a suitable investment for you at the age of 18 as you have natural testosterone levels at their peak and taking tribulus would most likely not affect them and the effect would only be seen in increased libido. I would recommend focusing on supplements from other categories rather than the realm of testosterone stimulants, which generally make the most sense in use for exercisers 35-40 years+. Have a nice day.
Can I ask when the product will be back in stock? Thank you.