42 Ratings

An excellent addition to protein porridge or just on its own for a healthy snack.

The strawberry is so much more pronounced in taste but otherwise excellent both flavours are crunchy and with the coconut milk they are so much more delicious yummy

Perfect in the breakfast box.

Interesting yummy. On oatmeal with yogurt, great. Also great just as a mouthful, however, just dissolve in your mouth and don't bite because it sticks terribly to your teeth. But an unconventional dessert 👍🏼lyofilizované fruit with coconut milk, hats off to whoever came up with that 😊

Oh my God! - that's the first word out of my mouth when I tasted it. It remains amazingly delicious and crunchy!!! Not too sweet. I would have tried it on oatmeal or in a smoothie bowl, but it didn't get that far because I was snacking on it when I got a sweet craving.

Great taste, strong coconut milk flavour, it's crunchy and that's the best thing about it when you have it just like that or in yoghurt

My boyfriend and I split them to go taste and didn't break away from the bag until it was empty😁 subtle coconut flavor, crunchy, melty. Yummy!

Our two year old was going to kill for it (I tasted it and I understand)

The cubes have a subtle coconut undertone, making them a favourite with all members of our household.

Nice crunch, but then dissolves in your mouth into such a sticky mass. Anyway, an unusual snack :)