Vilgain Grass-Fed Collagen Peptides

answered questions
Hi, not sure if this is a stupid question, but what does it taste like? For example when mixed in just hot water, does it have a distinct taste? When mixed in tea, does it take over the flavor?
Hello, in the name "peptides" is it not a steroid or anabolic substance?
Can I put it in Vodka? So I don't get an aftertaste.
Hello, please the dosage of this collagen is 1 scoop per day?
Hello, are you planning to sell undenatured type II collagen as well? Various studies show its excellent effects
What is the % distribution of collagen types? 50:50?
Hello, regarding this product, do you have a heavy metal test available somewhere for review? Thank you for your reply
Dobry den kolko mg kolagenu ma prosim ?
Hello, can collagen be added to hot drinks?
Hello, is it possible to mix collagen into one drink with protein and creatine?