Vilgain Plant Based Protein
answered questions
How much stevia is contained in 100g?
good day, have you considered that this protein does not contain traces of gluten? to make it suitable for celiacs who can neither gluten nor dairy protein. Thank you.
Hello, can this protein be added to baking, porridge etc? Thank you
Hi Jana, definitely 🧁👍🏼. You can find several recipes on our website*m9ok26*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk96lBhDHARIsAEKO4xbr8Q7THlOshbphSte3niaha2nPtXZm1914dsl-7pwJCiP3qAMAfnIaAjlZEALw_wcB 😍. Have a nice day.
Hello, I would like to ask if there will be plant based protein without flavor? It would have a wider use for me and I'm sure a lot of other people. Thank you for your reply. :)
Good day, is this protein to take only dissolved or can it be sprinkled as a powder into dishes?
Hi Olga, protein can be mixed with water or added to various recipes. Have a great day,
Thanks, this I know, but as a powder poured into a meal also can....? or must be with water prepared...?
Hello, protein can also be used in porridge or desserts. Just add them without water. Have a nice day :)
Hello, is this protein also suitable during breastfeeding? Thank you
Hello, have you considered fortifying the protein with leucine, isoleucine, valine as well? Compared to the standard whey options, these amino acids are quite underrepresented.
I would argue the opposite. Your proteins are perfect, so please don't ruin them. TO THE BCAAS:
"BCAAs have no added value compared to complete proteins. In that sense, if you have optimal protein intake, taking a BCAA supplement will not give you additional benefits." Most importantly:
"One of the problems with consuming only BCAAs (or high doses when fortified) is that they can compete for absorption with other important amino acids. High doses of BCAAs may reduce the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin by limiting the absorption of its precursor tryptophan in the brain."
Hello... I would like to try the protein, but I don't dare to buy a whole kilo - are there no samples yet?
Hello, you can look forward to samples after the new year :-) Have a nice day
Good day, will they be available in cocoa later?
Hi, Renata, thank you for your arrival :). We are not planning to produce a cocoa version of the product in the near future. Be sure to keep an eye on our newsletter for our latest news. Have a nice day :).
Hello, will samples be available?
Hello, yes samples will be available. Have a nice day
They are already in stock! 🙂