Vilgain Vanilla Extract Bourbon
I use it almost every time I bake or make porridge! :))
vanilla flavour with no other flavourings added
Super fragrant extract
Strong vanilla aroma, great for baking. Lasts a long time.
In pancakes, in porridge, in baking. The smell is incredible!
Unfortunately, you can't smell the vanilla at all, even after baking. I went for the Nielsen vanilla instead.
Vanilla almost does not smell, I smell a lot of alcohol. For baking and homemade eggnog good.
I'm so sorry, but unfortunately I can't agree with the positive reviews. For one bowl of, for example, cottage cheese, I have to use a huge amount of extract to smell anything at all. But the result is more alcohol-flavored cottage cheese and not vanilla 😩.
Excellent aroma
Ah, vanilla bourbon. It's kind of a must-have product. Wonderful intense aroma.