Vilgain was founded to clear up the misinformation in health & fitness industry that prevents people from the true potential of performance improvement.

Same goes for the products. Our mission right now is to solve nutrition for as much people as we manage to win over.

Read our vision

We develop products we miss in the world...

Vilgain started as an Aktin brand in Czechia. From the begining we mostly sold other brands. Slowly but surely we managed to save some capital for our own manufacturing facility and begun forming relationships with many small and medium manufacturers that develop Vilgain products with us for you. The basic premise is that we do products that we miss in the world and want them to exist so you can often see them all over our offices.

...and people like you seems to like them too

Vilgain started as an Aktin brand in Czechia. From the begining we mostly sold other brands. Slowly but surely we managed to save some capital for our own manufacturing facility and begun forming relationships with many small and medium manufacturers that develop Vilgain products with us for you. The basic premise is that we do products that we miss in the world and want them to exist so you can often see them all over our offices.

442 980
682 219
90 %
40,4 mil
Article readership
10 300 868
units sold

for quite a long time already, 10 years in the game and still counting

Vilgain comes from Czech Republic, founded by two guys in love with fitness lifestyle. First ten years we learned a ton in the small market of Czechia. We were many times closed to bankruptcy. With a lot of allnighters and maximum effort of the team, we managed to survive and finally expand to the world...

with the best team driven by the love for customers
(and food)

Company is nothing else than a group of people with a common goal in mind going to achieve it. Our mission for 2025 is to solve nutrition for 100 000 people.

We’re based in Czechia
at 500m2 office space

400 m2
manufacturing facility

This is so much fun. Building our own manufacturing facility to have a control on the end product, together with a product development section was a dream back then. Now we are producting hundreds of samples of test products per month. New products as well as reworks of already established products when we come up with an idea how to make them better.

2400 m2

Warehouses are never large enough. We started at 30 m2 retail shop with a 12 m2 “warehouse” in 2011. It was musch simplier back then but time has changed.