Alex Hrčková

Alex Hrčková

It didn't take me long to eat it all.. Honey with sea salt is a mega combination for me.

Yum those chocolate chip cookies are delicious. The kind of cookies you'd eat with your coffee. For me a very tasty snack!

There are no flakes like flakes.🥣 Even if I give a smaller amount they puff up beautifully and make them really voluminous. They are so soft and fluffy. 😊

Finally a shaker that doesn't overflow and I have a lot of different brands at home and all the others always overflow. And I don't have that problem with this one at all. 👌🏼

I think everyone should have this at home! It tastes like normal ketchup only healthier :)))

Yummy!! Amazing granola... neither too sweet nor not sweet enough. I love that maple syrup and pecans flavor. The smell reminds me of Christmas 🥰.. It's great in yogurt,cottage cheese, smoothie bowl or just with milk. It also serves me to eat during the day as a snack! 😅