Andrea Šírová

Andrea Šírová

very fragrant chocolate butter, a bit greasy, but that's like any shea butter. It leaves my skin soft and fragrant.

A great baking essence, it brightens every cookie with vanilla.

Sweet and crunchy. Ideal snack on the go or at home, in the evening or during the day. Just always 🤤

Top oil, ideal if you want to setrit calories and not pour unnecessarily too much into the pan 😊

These are the most robust cranberries in the world. Once you taste them, you'll never want another 🤤🤤🤤

Very tasty buildable mask, ideal for trips where you don't have time for preparation. Or even at home, I recommend to it just pour couscous with hot water for 5 min and you have a meal really in a couple of minutes :)

If you don't eat fatty fish often, it's a good idea to take these fatty acids in tablet form. They contain EPA and DHA, which our bodies can't make on their own, so we need to take them as part of a varied diet.

I recommend Magnesium to all active athletes. I personally take it every day, I feel better after it and I am not threatened by cramps in my legs.

tuna is a complete staple in my diet, in salads, in pasta.. it's a super source of omega 3, minimal fat, lots of protein and low calories :) perfect :)

super pizza base - just top with ketchup, ham, cheese and whatever you love about pizza and you've got an easy lunch/dinner :)

A complete staple for me for baking. There is no cake without these flavdrops. Vanilla flavor is the most proven and perfectly sweetens porridge, cottage cheese, and anything that's supposed to be sweet but for logical reasons you don't want to add sugar.

For all the cecupoholics who can't imagine life without cecup. This was a life changer for me - no added sugar and only 36 kcal per 100g?! Because I put kecup really on everything😁so I know how to save hundreds of calories.💪🏻

The best lotions on the market for the most enthusiastic cash register in the world🤗 They make it absolutely creamy, once you try them, you won't buy another one :)

This protein passes my tough drinking/mashing/baking test with 1*. It has a perfect taste, even if you just mix it purely with water. It also makes porridge wonderfully creamy and adds a sweet taste to the cake and it's a great composition...:) Vanilla flavour is a must have. Also the flavour of cinnamon roll or cookies is top.


Andrea Šírová
Andrea Šírová

Pokusila som sa vam natocit unboxing mojich top produktov (+ par noviniek) z aktinu. Obcas mi pisete (ale naozaj - mam dokazy!😂), ze by ste chceli livestream. Ludia, keby toto nezostriham, tak striedate tolko emocii (🤦🏻‍♀️ & 😬 & 😂), ze az. Budte mi teda vdacni za tuto skratenu verziu, kde som vas obrala o vela trapnych momentov. 😁 Ale chcela som, aby ste to mali autenticke. 🙄 Do tituliek som planovala napisat o com kecam, lebo nie kazdy rad pocuva. Ale ten priestor som radsej vyuzila na sebahejt 😁 Tak som vam usetrila robotu 😁 Ked pojdete na, mate dopravu zdarma + dalsie tipy na top produkty. Na oplatku mam ja za vas nakup cez ten link malu podporu ❤️ Sama som zvedava, ci toto video uvidite. Ak nie, asi ho vymazem a nevyjdem z domu najblizsi mesiac. Ah pockat, to nevyjdem aj tak 😂🥲 *spolupraca s @aktinsk #dnesjem #aktin #aktinsk #unboxing #recipe #fitrecepty #foodtips

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Andrea Šírová
Andrea Šírová

Stracciatella kolacik len za 50 kcal? 🤤 Neskutocne chutny, vlacny, sviezi vdaka jahodkam a nabity bielkovinami 💪🏻 a vy uz viete, ze vdaka tomu vas zasyti aj maly kusok a ked ste trosku.. ehm hladnejsi 🙄 tak si mozete dat aj 3 ks a stale to mate za menej kalorii, ako bezny kolacik z cukrarne plny tuku a cukru 🤤 Naposledy som ho robila v 2 nasobnom mnozstve a na plechu 24x 24. Tento je v plechu 20x30 a presne polovica, takze si kludne vyberte, ci chcete vyssi a prekypujuci cez okraje alebo radsej takto decentny a lahsie sa jeduci 😁 (jeditelny?😂😅) Recept je extremne jednoduchy a zaklad velkeho objemu a malo kcal su susene bielka. Ak ich nemate, pouzite 2 vajicka, ale kolacik dajte max do 20cm kruhovej formy, lebo ho bude ovela menej. Bielka kupite na - a cez tento link najdete aj moje dalsie tipy a hlavne mate dopravu zdarma 🥳 Recept: ❤️ 2 makke nizkotucne tvarohy ❤️ 1 vajicko ❤️ 15g susenych bielkov + 100ml vody ❤️ 35g vanilkoveho proteinu ( najdes na ❤️ 20g xylitolu (tiez aktin) ❤️ 30g cokopeciciek (aktin alebo nasekajte horku cokoladu) ❤️ cca 200g jahod (ja som pouzila mrazene) ❤️ 1 cervena zelatina s agarom Postup: - Bielko z vajicka zmiesame so susenymi bielkami a vodou a vyslahame - Zmiesame zltko, protein, tvarohy, sladidlo a bielka a pridame cokoladky - Dame do formy na pecenie vystlanej papierom a pecieme na 180 stupnov cca 45 minut (cim mensia forma tym dlhsie) - Uvarime jahody v cca 500 ml vode aj so zelatinou a dosladime flavdrops - Mierne vychladnutu zelatinu dame na vychladnuty kolac a dame este zachladit Zelatinu kludne nahradte pudingom alebo cokoladkou, ma co mate chut 🥰 Uz sa tesim na vase recenzie a fotky ❤️ #spolupraca #dnesjem #fitrecept #fitrecepty #aktin #aktinsk #aktinkod #tvarohovykolac #fitcake #zdravykolac

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