Magdalena Slebioda

Magdalena Slebioda

They are not a typical pizza bottom, more rubbery but delicious in taste

Cool foam texture

Dissolves well, however, smells more than tastes nutty

A perfect substitute for parmesan cheese! I am very satisfied

Quick to prepare, very good in taste

OBVIOUS! Totally recommend!

It tastes great!

As pancakes- not very. As waffles- great! Perfectly crispy and filling

Compact and sticky texture, strong smell of orange

Not very sweet, which for me is a plus. Dissolves well and tastes good

For a quick meal very nice

Perfectly balanced flavor and acidity

Quite a compact consistency, as befits a protein bar. The gingerbread flavor is very noticeable

Delicious! Perfect for any salty dish plus huge protein content!

The taste is like classic peanut crisps, I recommend!

Totally HIT! And most importantly, very filling

It moisturizes nicely and smells great!

Very distinctive taste

Ideal as an accompaniment to a meal. Delicate in taste

A flavor explosion!!! Delicious combination of compacted peanut cream, almond pieces and sour jam

Good in taste, the pieces are larger than the classic toasted bread available in stores.

The pancakes are very good, although a little thicker than classic tortillas

Granolas from Vilgain are the best thing there is! Big chunks, insane in taste!